Cager Club
Many of you may ask, "What is a Cager?" Cager is a term frequently used for a professional basketball player. The word originated from early professional games (1910-1915) played in a cage to separate the audience from the playing court and speed up the game by keeping the ball in-bounds.
The Marcos de niza Cager Club is the booster club to support the boys basketball teams. We are parents who want to help out the coaches and boys by volunteering our time to help ensure that the teams have a positive high school experience. As you all know, times have changed; expenses that used to be in the school's budget now must be raised independently if programs are to be successful.
The Cager Club organizes the parents meeting, the annual picnic, the basketball programs, the Annual Shoot-Out, Senior Night, the year-end banquet, as well as all of the fundraisers necessary to support our team. Volunteers also announce the games, sell Spirit Balls, make yard signs for the boys, maintain the website, take pictures, answer questions at 8th grade orientation night, make flyers, sell concessions during the summer league, etc. We do this not because we have extra time - we are all working parents - but to support all 3 teams.
We encourage all of you parents, relatives, and friends to join the Cager Club and/or volunteer where you can to help make the upcoming season a success. Go Padres!!