Tobacco/ Drug/ Alcohol Policy
Tobacco Policy - Any student/athlete discovered to be in possession of, or using tobacco products during their season or sport shall be subject to the following disciplinary action.
- First Offense - The coach to take appropriate corrective action.
- Second Offense - The student/athlete will be suspended from interscholastic competition for a minimum of one week, plus the coach may take additional disciplinary action.
- Third Offense - The student/athlete will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season or sixty days, whichever is greater.
- NOTE: Any student/athlete violating the tobacco policy during a previous season and discovered to be violating the policy during subsequent season, will be suspended from competition for a minimum of one week and placed on probation for the remainder of that sport season.
Drug/Alcohol Policy - Any student/athlete discovered to be in possession of or using drugs or alcohol, on or off campus, during their season of sport will be subject to the following disciplinary action.
- First Offense - The student/athlete will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season or sixty days, whichever is greater, from the time of discovery.
- Second Offense - The student/athlete will be suspended from athletics for the remainder of the school year from the time of discovery.
- Voluntary Participation - Any student/athlete wishing to voluntarily participate in a substance abuse program, who has not been discovered to be in violation of the drug/alcohol policy, may do so by contacting a building level administrator, counselor, or coach. The student/athlete will not be subject to disciplinary action.