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Immunization Information

Original immunization records are required to be submitted with a new registration packet for Tempe Union High School District students.  Immunizations must be current for school attendance per Arizona Law (A.R.S. 36-671 and 15-817). Please read all requirements carefully!

These are the current requirements for up-to-date immunizations; please review your student’s records for accuracy.

  • Tetanus, DTaP, DTP and DPT:
    Students must have a minimum series of 4 doses of tetanus-diphtheria-containing vaccine; 3 doses are acceptable if the 1st dose was given on/after 1st birthday.
  • Tdap (tetanus booster):
    Must have received Tdap 5 years following the last DTaP, DTP, and DPT
  • Polio:
    4 doses: The final dose of polio must be received at/after 4 years of age and at least six months after the previous dose. Only 3 doses are required if the 3rd dose was received on/after the child’s 4th birthday and at least six months after the 2nd dose. Additional doses may be needed to meet requirements.
  • MMR:
    2 doses required: Minimum recommended age for dose 1 is 12 months. A 3rd dose will be required if dose 1 was given more than 4 days before 1st birthday.
  • Hep B:
    3 doses: Dose #1 and dose #2 must be at least 4 weeks apart; doses #2 and #3 must be at least 12 weeks apart. 
    *The final dose of Hep B must be given at 24 weeks of age or older. 
    *All 3 shots CANNOT be given in less than 16 weeks (4 months).
    *Only 3 doses are required if the 3rd dose was received at or after the child was 24 weeks of age; otherwise, 4 doses are required.
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox):
    1 dose. The minimum recommended age for dose #1 is 12 months. 2 doses, at least 4 weeks apart, are required if dose #1 was given at 13 years of age or older. 
    **If your child has had Chicken Pox, no Varicella vaccination is needed.  Written documentation is required for proof of your child having had Chicken Pox.
  • Meningococcal:
    1 dose: A dose administered at 10 years of age will meet this requirement.
  • Hepatitis A:
    Not currently required but is HIGHLY recommended as per the Arizona Department of Health Services (especially before starting college).


If your child has an Exemption to Immunization Form on file from an existing school district, you must complete and sign a new exemption form for Tempe Union High School District (exemptions DO NOT transfer between districts).  Immunization Forms are available on the website below.

For current guidelines and exemption forms, please go to the following website: Arizona Department of Health Services: Arizona Immunization Program

For information regarding clinics in Maricopa County which provide free and income based medical care, including immunizations, please go to

If you have any questions or need more specific information, please contact your School Nurse.