Whenever possible, the medication should be administered at home. Medication will be administered during school hours only when failure to take such medications would jeopardize the health of the students. Students are not permitted to carry medications on their person except for inhalers, diabetic supplies, or an EpiPen, and only when a completed Medication Consent Form that has been signed by both a parent and a licensed health care provider has been turned into the Health Office. All other medications (prescription, over-the-counter, and supplements) are to be kept in the Health Office. The medications must be turned into the school nurse by the parent/guardian, not the student, in their original, appropriately labeled container.
For all prescription medications, provide the prescription bottle with the student's name, medication name/type, dosage, and directions printed on the label. For over-the-counter medications, please provide the medication in a small, sealed container. All Medication Consent Forms, one form per medication, must be signed by a parent/guardian AND licensed health care provider for all medications, including over-the-counter.
All medications will be disposed of if not picked up by the last day of school in May.