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Student ID Cards

Student IDs at Marcos de Niza

All new MdN students are issued a student identification card. This card must be retained for four years. If a student withdraws from school, the ID card is to be returned to the office. These cards are used for identification on campus and are required for lunch tickets, voting, dances, Bookstore transactions, library checkout procedures, Athletic passes and other school activities.


In addition, the card is to be used to identify Seniors and Juniors who wish to leave campus at lunch. If this card is lost, a new one must be purchased for $5.00 at the Bookstore. Freshmen may obtain their new IDs during Freshmen book distribution.  New and replacement IDs are available in the LRTC Audio Visual Room (Rm. 121) during lunch and after school.  New students must present a copy of their schedule at the time their first picture is taken.