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Booster Athletics - Parent Groups

MdN Booster Clubs - Athletics


This club is a volunteer support group including, but not limited to, family and friends to advance a positive experience for the basketball programs. Minimal time by all members creates further opportunities to achieve excellence.


The Homerun Club is for parents to get involved through the baseball booster group.


The Padre Club invites all Marcos de Niza parents, students, community members, and faculty to become enthusiastic supporters of Marcos de Niza High School activities, athletics, and academics through the Padre Club. Show that you care and are willing to make a difference by becoming an active participant in helping school groups raise funds through concessions at athletic events. Have fun keeping track of the Padre Mascot, or contribute to your student’s planning for the fun, drug, and alcohol-free graduation night celebration event. Your involvement as a supportive parent is critical to the continued success of the school and its students. Contact the Padre Club at or call the school and ask for the activities' office.   Step up and Stand Out with the Padre Club!


The Touchdown Club is for parents and students who want to get involved in fundraising for the football program. Plans this year include sales of candles and make-up products. Money raised is used to support the player's meals, shirts, practice uniforms, and yard signs for all levels.