Booster Activities - Parent Groups
Learn more about our Booster Clubs - Activities
Our booster organization takes great pride in the assistance it provides to the band program at Marcos de Niza High School. Our purpose is to organize and staff the committee structures necessary in order to support our organization and the Padre Band program. We also help to develop and coordinate fundraising activities necessary to help support the financial cost of the Band Program. We encourage participation and community support for the band programs.
Each year the parents of the graduating class sponsor "The Best Party in Town." It's a drug and alcohol-free blast held on the night of graduation. We invite you, the graduating senior, to celebrate your last class party in a safe environment.
As a parent having a student in the MdN orchestra program, you are automatically a member of our very active Parents Guild. This organization provides invaluable support to the orchestra students and the director. Members of the Guild work with the student officers to organize many of the orchestra activities.
Please follow MdN Orchestra Parents Guild on Facebook at:
The Padre Club invites all Marcos de Niza parents, students, community members, and faculty to become enthusiastic supporters of Marcos de Niza High School activities, athletics, and academics through the Padre Club. Show that you care and are willing to make a difference by becoming an active participant, helping school groups raise funds through concessions at athletic events. Have fun with keeping track of the Padre Mascot, or contribute to your student’s planning for the fun, drug, and alcohol-free graduation night celebration event. Your involvement as a supportive parent is critical to the continued success of the school and its students. Contact the Padre Club or call the school and ask for the activities office. Step up and Stand Out with the Padre Club!