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School Counseling

Guiding you to Graduation and Beyond

Open School Days: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Phone: 480-730-7630

Please call or email counselors to request an appointment.
Drop-in requests for visits cannot always be accommodated.

The MdN School Counseling Department is dedicated to ensuring the success of each student’s academic, personal, social, and career development through collaboration with the student, school staff, parents/guardians, and the community.

MDN School Counselors

Erin Smith
Department Leader
All Freshmen

480-838-3200 x40153

Claudia Ramirez
10th - 12th grades: Last names A-G
480-838-3200 x40137

Nikolas Rivera
10th - 12th grades: Last names H-P

480-838-3200 x40134

Jill Calender 
10th - 12th grades: Last names Q-Z

480-838-3200 x40136 

MDN Counseling Staff

Patty McAlarney
Administrative Assistant
480-838-3200 x 40131

Valerie Molina
Indian Education Program Coordinator

Indian Education Program
480-838-3200 x 40189

Staci Mendoza
Indian Education

480-838-3200 x 40188 

Nora Murillo
Guadalupe Liaison

480-838-3200 x 43300

Maura Tapia
Behavioral Interventionist
480-838-3200 x 40109

Erin Henderson
Behavioral Interventionist
480-838-3200 x 40532