Vocal Performance
Welcome to MFAA's Vocal Performance Track
The MdN Vocal Performance Track consists of 5 choirs - Beginning Women’s, Men’s, Advanced Women’s, A Cappella and Chamber Singers. These ensembles perform a wide range of repertoire including Music Theatre, World Music, Festival Literature, Masterworks and Popular Music. The award-winning A Cappella Choir and Chamber Singers are the touring choirs of Marcos de Niza. They have performed most notably in Hawaii, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and Carnegie Hall in New York City. We affirm that each individual in Vocal Performance is valued as an integral part of our success regardless of their past musical experience. Music is a skill that can be developed by every student. Emphasis will be placed on personal growth and achievement for each singer.
The Choirs of Marcos de Niza
The Marcos De Niza Choir requirements for participation include an audition and participation in all required events for the class, including rehearsals and performances. (Activity fee required).
Vocal Performance Contact
Darin Shryock
Vocal Performance Director
(480) 838-3200 Ext. 42220
Application for Marcos Fine Arts Academy
For information about the MdN Choir/Drama Parents, check out their website at www.mdnchoirdrama.org.
Please follow MdN Choir/Drama on Facebook at: