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Musical Theatre

Welcome to MFAA's Musical Theatre Track

The Musical Theatre Track offers motivated students the opportunity to develop skills in acting, singing and dance. This multi-disciplinary approach focuses on developing the “triple-threats” so highly valued in the theatre. Emphasis will be placed on personal growth and achievement for each student.

Follow MdN Choir/Drama!

For information about the MdN Choir/Drama Parents, check out their website at:

Please follow MdN Choir/Drama on Facebook at:

Musical Theatre Contacts

Darin Shryock
Director of 
Vocal Performance
(480) 838-3200 Ext. 42220
Patrick McChesney
Director of Theatre 
(480) 838-3200 Ext. 42222/42212

Dance & Musical Theatre Track Guide

First page of the PDF file: Dance-Musical-Theatre-Track