Instrumental Music
Welcome to MFAA's Instrumental Music Track
The Instrumental Music track of the Marcos Fine Arts Academy is open to orchestra and band students who wish to push themselves to a high level of performance and musicianship. In addition to performing in orchestral and band ensembles, students will have the opportunity to complete courses in music theory, music history, piano, vocal performance, and guitar among other offerings.
Courses are available for Honors and Advanced Placement credit.

The Marcos de Niza Orchestras have a long-standing tradition of excellence and involvement within the Tempe community. The orchestras perform many concerts throughout the school year, both on and off campus.
Community-oriented in its mission, the Orchestra Program hosts Saturday Strings workshops to provide free private instruction to elementary/middle school string students, has played for the anniversary of the Tempe Kiwanis Club, and has performed the National Anthem for the Phoenix Suns. The Orchestra Program tours to a different city within the United States each spring, forming friendships with high school and collegiate programs.
Open to all grade levels. (Activity fee required)
The BANDS of Marcos de Niza

The Marcos de Niza Band Program has a rich tradition of musical success. The band program is one of the most active groups on campus. The Padre Pride Marching Band performs at football games, parades, community events, and band festivals across the state of Arizona. The concert bands, jazz band, and percussion ensemble perform several times throughout the year at festivals, community events, and concerts on and off campus.
Open to all grade levels. (Activity fee required)
Instrumental Music Contacts
Orchestra Director
Please follow MdN Orchestra Parents Guild on Facebook at:
Band Director
MdN Parent Band Boosters: