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Marcos de Niza GRADUATION

Marcos de Niza Graduation Ceremony

May 23, 2024 | TBD PM
Victor C. Sanchez, Jr. Stadium

Gates open at TBD PM
No tickets required
Live-streamed on Facebook:

We would like to acknowledge all the parents and guardians of this outstanding class of graduates by extending our appreciation for making MDN your school of choice and for completing the journey with your senior! Congratulations!

Stadium Information:

  • We are pleased to announce that no tickets will be required for this year's graduation ceremony.
  • The stadium will be open at 5:30 PM. 
  • Seating is open and will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Blocking off or saving seats will not be allowed in the stadium.
  • No outside food or drink will be allowed into the stadium. Sealed water bottles are accepted.
  • No bags, purses, or backpacks will be permitted in the stadium. A small, clear-sided bag is permissible
  • SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS AND GUESTS:  In order to maintain the dignity of the ceremony, please refrain from using noise-making devices and/or excessive cheering while graduates’ names are being read. Please be conscientious of signs that may impede others from enjoying the ceremony (umbrellas, signs, etc.).

  • Guests will NOT be allowed on the field at the conclusion of the ceremony. However, the courtyard in the center of campus will be available after the ceremony as an option to reunite with your graduate. Please be sure to coordinate a meeting location with them.

Handicapped Seating Requests:

Please submit this form to request handicapped seating at the graduation ceremony. We are only able to accommodate the guest and ONE family member, as handicapped seating is limited in our stadium.

Graduation Dress Code:

  • All graduates will be required to wear a brown mortarboard (cap) and gown provided by the Jostens Graduation Supply Company.
    • If you have not purchased a cap and gown as of yet, they are still available through Jostens. Contact Jostens at (602) 765-7227. 
  • Seniors will not be allowed to decorate their mortar boards or gowns in any way.
  • Students who plan to wear cultural regalia must meet with Assistant Principal Ochoa prior to TBD for approval.
  • All students must wear appropriate attire for the occasion. (Dress, skirt, collared shirt, pants)
  • All purses and bags are NOT ALLOWED (A cell phone is permitted as long as it is stored during the ceremony).
  • Dress shoes are required. Flats are recommended due to the fact that students will be walking on the track and football field. Pointed heels are NOT ALLOWED when walking on the turf.
  • No t-shirts, tennis shoes, flip flops, Birkenstocks, shorts or jeans.
  • No sunglasses or items of personal attire beyond the required dress. 
  • Any student that is suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be subject to an immediate evaluation by the Tempe Police Department. Any student found to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may be removed from the ceremony and referred to the Tempe Police Department.

Additional Items to Take Care of Prior to the Ceremony

All debts must be cleared through the bookstore. For information regarding debts, books and school equipment, please call the MdN Bookstore at (480) 838-3200, ext. 40155 or visit: Our MdN Bookstore - webpage.

Other items:

  • Please be aware of your student’s attendance and they are not losing credit for absences - If you have any questions concerning attendance, please contact Brian Blackwelder or Jill Calendar at 
  • Please be aware of your student’s grades. Encourage your students to keep their grades at a passing level.

It is important to note that all graduates must complete the course of study (23 credits) required by the Tempe Union High School District prior to graduation. We have no alternative but to deny participation in the graduation ceremony.