Attendance Policies
Attendance Hotlines: 480-838-3200
*Select Option 1 for Attendance*
Attendance Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Reporting Student Absences
Only parents or legal guardians may excuse absences. In order for an absence to be excused, the parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office within 24 hours of the absence.
For chronic and long-term absences, or questions regarding attendance policies, please contact the Attendance Coordinator.
Brian Blackwelder | 480-744-4626 |
- Parents: High school attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his/her family. It is important that parents and students recognize the direct relationship that exists between academic success and regular school attendance. Students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary.
Students are allowed 10 absences (excused or unexcused) per semester. The eleventh total absence may result in loss of credit unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been discussed with the Attendance Coordinators. School-related absences do not count towards your student’s total absences.
You may access your student’s grades and attendance through PARENTVUE on the school website.
ABSENCE: A student who does not attend a class or arrives 20 or more minutes late is considered absent.
EXCUSED ABSENCE: An absence is legitimate under the following conditions:
- Personal illness
- Doctor or dentist appointment (which cannot be made before or after school)
- Serious family illness
- Death in family or of a close friend
- Important family business
- Religious holiday
UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: Any absence that is not excused within 24 hours of the absence by a parent or guardian is recorded as unexcused. Students are still accountable for information missed while they are out. Teachers are recommended to give no credit for any test, assignment, or other work missed due to unexcused absences.
SCHOOL-RELATED ABSENCE: If a student misses a class due to a pre-approved school-related activity, it will not count as an absence.
SUSPENSION: Even though the suspension is considered a serious consequence for discipline issues, the days missed while suspended do not count as absences for purposes of keeping track of days missed from school. Suspended students remain responsible for any and all makeup work.
Parental Notification of Absences
Automated attendance calls for students with an absence will be made daily to the primary phone number listed on the student’s record. If you have questions or concerns regarding an attendance call, please contact the student's teacher for that period by telephone or email.
If absences are excessive, an attendance contract may be discussed and signed by the Attendance Coordinator and student.
After the 11th total absence in a class, the student will be placed on no-credit status, but should continue going to class. If the student has communicated an extenuating circumstance, it is possible he/she will have the chance to appeal at the end of the semester. It is imperative to communicate with the Attendance Coordinators any extenuating circumstances.