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MdN School Colors

Marcos de Niza Brown & Marcos de Niza Gold

Marcos de Niza Brown color information:
For Print: C=45, M=65, Y=93, K=50 
For Web: R=90, G=61, B=27 / (#5A3D1B)
Marcos de Niza Gold color information:
For Print: C=1, M=21, Y=100, K=0 
For Web: R=252, G=199, B=0 / (#fcc700)
Marcos de Niza True Black - accent color information:
For Print: C=75, M=68, Y=67, K=90 
For Web: R=0, G=0, B=0 / (#000000)

Shortly after Marcos de Niza High School opened in the fall of 1971, students voted brown and gold as the school's colors in keeping with the brown tones of the robe worn by the Franciscan padre, Marcos de Niza, and the gold he was sent to find. His mission, in 1539, was to find the fabled city of Cibola, whose streets were supposedly lined with gold.

The school's mascot became the "Padre" and the yearbook "Libro de Oro" (Book of Gold). Through the years the image of the padre has changed from a round faced Ziggy-like character to one with more strength and mystery.

The Fight Song and Alma Mater also acknowledge the Padre mascot and school colors of brown and gold.